Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday 18 May 2013

More from the patch.

I've probably endured my worst week, at FSIS; it's  of no importance as to why, just my time in ILC was time wasted! There have been significant changes at Pyson's Road; since we ventured up to Loch Awe, not the least is the departure of Steve Jones (my guvnor). Time moves on and there is no point in looking backwards - what's happened is now consigned to the history books! ILC will only be a "tidy-up" requirement - so easily dealt with? The inability to cope with an alternative opinion is not restricted to birding/pan-listing, so it would seem!
Dusky Thrush at Margate Cemetery! In the "old days" this would have caused major panic - today; I couldn't give a monkey's! Fantastic find by Steve Tomlinson and enjoyed my many others - so good stuff!
One, of three species, that I recorded in the garden today.
My day has revolved around the demands of Emily, so I've been unable to get away from the garden. Not such a bad thing; the sun shone for brief periods and I managed to grab a few images. I fitted the extension tubes, so was geared up to get some photos of insects. At 11.50hrs; the gulls went nuts - whatever the cause being missed by me. Loads of mini beasts around the garden; so I wasn't bored!

This tiny wasp appears to be a "spider hunter" - it is smaller than the Green Bottles and Flesh Flies that were
enjoying the sun bathing provided by the yellow Buffalo Farm manure bags.
The moth trap produced very little overnight - 3 Shuttle-shaped Dart, 1 Common Quaker, 1 Early Grey, 1 Dark Spectacle and 1 Bright-line, Brown-eye. Hardly worth the price of the electricity!

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