Who am I?

An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday 18 May 2024

Worth a walk

 I headed across to Worth Marshes RSPB reserve, on Friday morning, and certainly enjoyed my time wandering around this site. I suppose that bumping into Neil and Andrew, who were also on the reserve, was a real bonus as we chatted about the local birding scene and some of the recent sightings that they'd discovered within the SBBOT recording area. Whilst Andrew and I were quite happy chatting about cameras and their role as recording devices, Neil and I, as is expected, just talked "bollocks!" for the most part. Lots of birds to keep us entertained, as we slowly made our way around the area. 

I actually managed to add another three species to my year list in the shape of Greenshank, Little Ringed Plover and "limosa" Black-tailed Godwit(s) - all thirty three of them. There are already a good number of young Lapwings on the various flooded fields and they will soon be joined by Avocets, as there are several, incubating, pairs present on the reserve. 

Andrew did say that he thought it would be a decent morning for raptors, although I only spotted three Common Buzzards and a couple of, resident, Marsh Harriers whilst on site. After I'd left, true to form, they had a Honey Buzzard fly north. I also managed to spot my first Small Heath and Wall Brown butterflies of 2024 as I walked back towards the van and actually added Painted Lady later in the day when I spotted one in a garden along Vine Close as I was walking up to the local shop. Back at the van, a lone Stock Dove was drinking from a pool in the car parking area, so it was a case of point and press for a token image.

Just to finish up the post, the second Hawk-moth of the year was discovered on the egg trays as I examined the contents this morning. With the exception of a few Silver Y's, there is still little evidence of insect migration at present. Given the gradual improvement in the weather I am hopeful that this will change very soon, but in the meantime, will happily settle for encounters with stunning creatures like this Eyed Hawk-moth today.

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