Who am I?

An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Wednesday 29 May 2024

Simple enjoyment

I didn't feel too sparkling yesterday evening so didn't bother running the MV moth trap overnight. It might have been an error of judgement but I'll never know. Feeling so much better this morning I spent quite a while in the garden, pottering around with some planters, whilst keeping an eye on the avian activity around the feeding station as I did so. Obviously the binos and camera kit were close to hand and I played around in an attempt at obtaining some images which might be worthy of posting on the blog?

Goldfinch at the bird bath

The local breeding male Blackbird complete with, very obvious,
grey secondaries and tertials on the left wing (only!)

I'd told Bev that I was going down to Pegwell Bay NNR, in the afternoon, to watch the incoming tide which was due to peak at 16.25 hrs. I left our bungalow at 14.00 hrs and was scanning the rapidly disappearing mud, out in the bay, before 14.30 hrs. Just as well really as, before 15.30 hrs, it was completely under water and because of this was back indoors before high tide actually took place. Nothing exciting to report. Two summer plumage Dunlin, five Ringed Plovers, a Whimbrel which called a couple of times yet, for the life of me, I failed to set eyes upon. A pair of Shelduck, with eleven ducklings in tow, was a nice surprise but I have to admit that it wasn't as productive as I'd hoped. The session was saved by a very confiding Little Egret, feeding in the Garage Pool, which posed beautifully in the bright conditions. 

Just after 17.00 hrs I had to drive across to Benno's gaff in order to purchase a couple of new aluminium spools for my ancient ABU Cardinal 44X's. It was purely because Benno has a Paypal account, nothing else. These new spools, which are for use in the up coming Tench project, are from Les Shaw's superb  business and will certainly feature in  a blog post very shortly because of the incredible level of customer service Les provides.

P.S. The MV trap is on tonight!

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