Who am I?

An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Tuesday 14 May 2024

A Grove Ferry/Stodmarsh NNR circuit

The weather in East Kent, today, has been abysmal. Grey skies and intermittent light rain being the sum of it. Bev had a luncheon engagement arranged with one of her best mates, thus, despite the conditions, I decided that a lap of the Stodmarsh NNR would be worth a bash. I parked in the Grove Ferry gateway, just after 10.00 hrs, and spent the next three hours taking a very leisurely stroll around the reserve. Being well aware that two Purple Herons were present, I deliberately avoided going anywhere close to the Reedbed Hide and by doing so encountered just five other people during my time wandering the reserve.

Great Crested Grebe from the Marsh Hide

It was a very productive session, for me, as I added another four species to my year list whilst at Stodmarsh, then a fifth after a short drive across to Trenley Park Wood. To kick it all off, I heard four different "booming" Bitterns whilst on my stroll, yet have been reliably informed that there are actually five males holding territory at the site. My next addition was a singing male Garden Warbler which, despite allowing great binocular views, wasn't prepared to pose for the camera.

Adult male Marsh Harrier from the David Feast Hide at Grove

A small gang of Common Terns were active around the nest raft out on the main lake and I managed to finally tick off Bearded Tit just as I made my way back towards the Grove Ferry ramp. Good numbers of Marsh Harriers and Hobbies were present, with at least six Cuckoos seen/heard around the area. I was very surprised by the number of Little Egrets feeding around the Ox-bow area, there being no fewer than sixteen individuals present, possibly more?  I have to admit to being slightly disappointed  by the lack of Turtle Dove, Garganey and Nightingale encounters around my circuit but can certainly use this as an excuse to get back soon for another bash. Nightingale didn't avoid my efforts today, as the drive up to Trenley Park Wood was to provide me with several singing males right next to the parking spot.

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