Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday, 8 February 2025

"I'm home!"

Due to traffic issues, Bev & I were five minutes late for our adoption meeting at the Dogs Trust. Not to worry as Bruno was going nowhere else and less than two hours later he was inside our Dumpton bungalow. Astonishingly, there were no signs of any stress and within minutes he looked like he'd lived here all his life! He certainly doesn't want to share this space with any other dogs, and is quite vocal in expressing this whenever another dog is spotted, via the front room windows (or on the t/v)!

It's obviously going to take a few weeks before he settles into this new environment, yet his behaviour suggests that it won't be too much of a struggle? Fishing, birds and other wildlife encounters should now take centre stage for my blogging efforts, safe in the knowledge that Bev has the companion she'd so desired since the cancer saga finished.


  1. He looks quite a character, looks like some terrier is mixed in. I've had Jack Russells non-stop for the last 55 years and couldn't imagine life without a dog, they are amazing companions when you are down and feeling lonely.

    1. Hi Derek, he's certainly got quite a personality, despite his small stature. Best of all is that he adores Bev so it's a win - win combination.
      Hoping all is well at your end - Dylan

  2. So happy for both Bev and the little dog. So nice to give a dog a proper home and attention, hope it all goes well.

  3. Lovely Dyl, we got our Peggy from the Dogs Trust. She was 4 when we got her, she is 11 now and rules the roost! She is the best thing we have done....

    1. Hi Stewart,
      I'll reserve judgement on "the best thing we've done" but am 100% in support of the Dogs Trust and their incredible commitment to finding dogs new homes. Bruno is eight years old and has quite a sad history, if what we've been told is true? All we can hope is that whilst in our care he'll be happy and provide Bev with the comfort she requires to assist her anxiety issues; anything else will be a bonus. As ever - cheers for the comment - Dyl
      P.S. - we must be due some American Pipit field sketches????

    2. Ah well, the pipit, I have to confess, I've not been for it! Despite its rarity I saw the only other one we've had a couple of years ago, and this one now involves some time commitment to get to. Its quite a long walk to the spot and back, so I kind of pretend its gone...I reckon my time is better spent looking in places that others dont... :)

    3. Not to worry. I'd seen some excellent video footage on YouTube and thought that you'd have produced more stunning field sketches to add to the collection. Still, looking in places that others don't certainly works for me - all the best - Dyl
