Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Wednesday, 26 February 2025

A leisurely stroll

As a member of C&DAA I have vehicular access along a gated, private, track down to the club lakes (farm irrigation reservoirs) out on Minster Marshes. So, whilst I've not picked up a rod in well over a week, I have been able to visit the site in order to take Bruno for his morning stroll, just for a change of scenery. The weather forecast wasn't good, for today, and the onset of heavy rain was expected before mid-day. It was, therefore, just before 09.00 hrs we began our walk this morning. This particular area, adjacent to the club fisheries, is currently under threat from a power line project by The National Grid. I'm not 100% up to speed with the ins and outs of the scheme, but do know that it revolves around the need to link off-shore wind farms with our domestic power networks. "Green Energy" has to be the way forward?My mate George, the gamekeeper, has been instrumental in launching "Save Minster Marshes" in the hope that any environmental impact will be kept to the absolute minimum. All I can say is that I see both sides of the issue, but have decided to offer George, and his supporters, whatever assistance I can with a desire that a sensible conclusion can be reached.

Bruno and I were out on the marsh for nearly two hours, slowly wandering the set-a-side fields as I kept regular updates in my notebook. I recorded forty-one species today and that was with a few glaring omissions. No Corn Bunting, Kestrel or Cormorants! There was plenty to keep me entertained, as we made our way around the area. I've already offered to do some breeding bird survey work and today was happy to listen to five Song Thrushes and four Cetti's Warblers in full song as they seek to establish territories for the upcoming breeding season. Loads of Sky Larks along the route and the Tree Sparrow flock now numbers in excess of forty birds - absolutely nuts!

Two stand out records, from today, were a calling Water Rail and an adult Red Kite, headed north, both of which were new species for me out on Minster Marshes. 

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