Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday 15 June 2024

Tight lines & wet nets!

With the clock ticking down, the start of the 2024/25 "Traditional" angling season commences at midnight tonight. To all of those, who still hold this date in some form of respect, I wish you everything that you wish for yourselves. My kit is assembled, although I'm not going to be on the bank until dawn tomorrow.

A single rod, with a centrepin, plus my new back pack
is my kit for the upcoming Tench campaign. 
The only items missing are my chair, a 5ltr bucket of 
groundbait and a tub of worms!

The start of yet another new adventure and the ritual first cast will still be as exciting as it always has been. I'll probably be in bed when the clock announces the midnight hour, but I will certainly raise a glass to the memory of Izaak Walton and all those other characters who've impacted upon my own angling adventure.

The legend and inspiration to my generation of anglers.
Dick Walker - the main man!

I am really happy that my chat & beer with Gareth Craddock, yesterday afternoon, was so useful. The info that I was given will mean that a couple of  avenues won't need to be explored because of Gareth's input. "STUDY TO BE QUIET" to quote Izaak Walton, resonates as much with me in 2024 as it did when I first picked up a copy of "The Complete Angler" Tight lines guys! - Dyl


  1. Dyl, Dick Walker would approve entirely with your attention to detail as regards the forthcoming campaign. On that basis I'll wish you the best of skill. Luck? We'll leave that aspect to hoping that no one else messes up your chances.

    1. Ric,
      This is my first serious attempt at Tench fishing since those wonderful days on Wilstone during the 80's/early 90's. Obviously my Kent venues are nothing like the vast expanses provided by Tring but the angling will be just as testing because of gin clear water and heavy weed growth.
      Knowing that it will be a marathon, not a sprint, I am perfectly happy to use the freedoms which being retired allows me. Short sessions during the week, thus avoiding the weekend warriors and all that entails, are how I expect the campaign to evolve.
      I did have a stroll along Black Dyke, this morning, but decided that a bit of swim prep would be beneficial, as opposed to actually casting a baited rig. My first cast will, therefore, be at first light tomorrow into a freshly raked and baited swim.
      As always, cheers for the comment - Dyl

  2. All the very best, mate! I absolutely fascinated to see how you do. I’ll be perching out there, so I’m hoping to see you bankside- Speak Soon, Gazza

    1. Gazza, I've got as much time as required to conduct this campaign. If I do get a decent Tench you'll be one of the first to know, via email. Black Dyke looks good, yet it will be RG where the serious stuff takes place. Tight lines - Dylan
