I was out and about before 06.30hrs wandering the field boundaries looking for newly arrived migrants. There was a Chiffchaff singing in the garden, with another individual over by the farm. It had been clear overnight and I wasn't particularly hopeful so it was a very pleasant surprise when I flushed a male Ring Ouzel from the edge of the Old Rose Garden. I followed it with my binoculars, watching it land in the Sycamore by the Scaffolder's Yard before dropping down onto the school playing field. I made my way, some 200m, to a position where I could get a record shot as it fed out on the grass. Extreme distance and shooting through the fence did little to assist my cause but I managed to get a record image.
Onward; I only had 45 minutes to spare before I needed to be back home in order to get Bev's early morning tea and sort out an e-mail she needed printing off. A quick sortie around the concrete reservoir - BINGO! There it was, my first Wheatear of the Spring. It flew from the top of a small tree and dropped down onto the recently ploughed field. A short stalk, along the hedgerow and my photo was in the bag!
Home in good time for my chores. The sun is shining and the skies are clear - might be a bit of raptor movement?
This Chiffchaff was one, of two, in our garden yesterday morning. The colour balance being well off the mark due to my forgetting to reset the camera after some experiments the previous day. |
Nice double-whammy, mate! Bugger all here apart from Blackcaps and a few Chiffs.