Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Thursday 17 October 2024

Mothing - the most insane night of the year!

 Crazy is the only word that comes remotely close to describing the events which unfolded over the course of last night. I had the garden MV trap switched on at around 18.30 hrs under clear skies and a very impressive full(?) moon. So impressive, in fact, that I actually spent some time playing around attempting to get some images, although using a very cheap lens with the resultant drop in image quality.

As 20.00 hrs approached, so the skies darkened and it was obvious that a thunderstorm was approaching from the west as the lightning flashes illuminated the distant horizon. Within half an hour the rain started, intensifying very quickly to a point that I wondered why I'd bothered with the trap. In bed by 22.00 hrs, I was well aware that the rain was still falling although, around 04.00 hrs, I'd got up for a wee, the moon was on show again. And so on to what happened next. I didn't get up until around 08.00 hrs and was greeted by a very dull scene of thick grey clouds and soaking vegetation. Kettle on, out into the garden I went to switch off the trap. BLOODY HELL!! - it was absolutely heaving with moths. Quickly covered up, I went back to make the first coffee of the morning before returning to examine the visitors to the egg trays. It was migrant city, with very few species which I recognise as local residents. Blair's Shoulder-knot and Beaded Chestnut were two exceptions and both new for the year. Photos and captions from here on.

Rusty-dot Pearls - SEVENTY-FOUR counted

Olive-tree Pearl - THIRTEEN present

The Gem - FOUR

Scarce Bordered Straw - TWO including this nice dark example

Rush Veneer - TWO

On the second to last egg tray I finally set eyes upon the moth I'd been after since getting back from Corfu. A Radford's Flame Shoulder, and a really smart example was there on the underside of the tray.

Radford's Flame Shoulder - never has a moth been more welcome.

There were a couple of other bits worthy of mention. A very smart looking Ichneumon sp. and my first Brindled Plume of the year. 

Ichneumon sp. - very impressive

Brindled Plume

It is events like this which make running a garden moth trap such a wonderful adventure, you just never know what'll turn up?

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