I've spent my afternoon (yesterday) watching the unfolding drama of the French terrorist attacks. Why are our news agencies giving these criminals any credibility by using Islam (one of the world's great religions - hijacked by a gang of extremist nut - nuts!) to describe these individuals as "Jihadists"? Absolutely nothing to do with religion - these terrorists are a nothing more than an insult to the religion they claim to follow!
The more I read about these individuals, the more angry I become - radicalised idealism based upon pure hatred. These bile-filled preachers are a complete sham - quite why my "hard earned" taxes are used to allow such as Anjem Choudary to remain within the civilised safety of our democracy - whilst our NHS hospitals are in melt down; you tell me? I can't wait for the next political hopeful to set foot on my doorstep - they'd better be good!
When mum died, I spent a while perusing the varied religious writings that were out there - The Koran being a wondrous document. Nothing that I read, or understood, to be the preaching of the prophet Mohammed aligns itself with the actions of these extremist groups. Maybe I'm just too simple to see it? Love, peace and adherence to family values - the very basis for all of the religions of the modern world?
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