Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Wednesday 31 July 2024

The finishing line is in sight

 Bev's cancer ordeal seems to have been going on for an eternity, although the reality is just over seven months have elapsed since the original diagnosis. We now have a course of five Raidio Therapy sessions before we can draw a line under this particular chapter in our lives. The Oncology Dept, at Kent & Canterbury Hospital have confirmed that the treatment will commence on 22nd August , thus will have ended by the 27th!  With this out of the way, we are hopeful that a holiday will be possible, most likely destination being Corfu? 

I had been hopeful that the rods would see some action but, due to the "Engine Management" light making a rude appearance, last Friday, my van has been out of action. I got it back from Dumpton Park Nissan, today. Apparently it required a new pressure sensor, so £263 lighter, they have fixed it for me. I always moan about the financial side of using this garage but, there is no getting away from the outstanding level of customer service they provide. End of advert!

Benno and I are back down the RMC, on Friday evening, for another Eel session. Hopefully we are going to be joined by Mark? However, Benno has hatched a plan which should see us gain exclusive access to a venue much closer to home. Absolutely no idea of the fish stocks, but it will be good fun pitting our wits against an unknown foe.

And finally, onto some natural history encounters. Three Common Swifts (birds, not moths) were spotted this afternoon, high over Newlands Farm. They might just prove to be the last I see this year? The garden moth trap continues to provide much entertainment and, this morning, came up trumps with my first Garden Tiger Moth of 2024. That there were eleven Jersey Tigers, in and around the trap, is an indication of how quickly insect population dynamics can/do change. 

A Scarce Silver-lines was my first of the year, but the real show stopper, for me, was an absolutely pristine example of Gold Spot. Loads of micros to ponder over but, the more I look, the sillier it becomes. I am almost at a point where I think it might be possible to sue Bloomsbury publishers under the trade descriptions act? Almost all of the micro moths that I have trouble id-ing, are, according to Kent Moths, only identifiable via dissection? So how can they be illustrated in a "Field Guide" which costs £35 a copy only to be, at best, unreliable?

Scarce Silver-lines

Hawthorn Ermine - Paraswammerdamia nebulella (or not?)

Gold Spot

Still, there's much to be positive about in my little world, so the soap-box can go away again for a while. Moths and me - it's a love-hate fascination.

A female Oak Eggar from a few nights previous. 
The first of the year for me.


  1. All the very best to Bev and yourself, mate- God Bless, Gazza

    1. Thanks Gazza. I'll email you soon with some bits and bobs about my angling struggles thus far.
      As always, stay safe & tight lines - Dylan
