Who am I?

An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Friday 22 July 2022

Nothing makes much sense

 Monday and Tuesday were so hot, it was absolutely ridiculous, thus our climate change experience was headline news across every media outlet and platform nationwide. Now? Well it's all forgotten as the gutter press concentrate upon Sunak v's Truss in the "lesser of two evils battle" and the Sport's Editors upon the superb efforts of "The Lionesses" in Euro 2022. I have to say a massive "well done" to the team behind the recent Snickers advert which I've seen streamed on Youtube. The message clearly being "you're only half a fan if you don't support women's football" - very clever and totally in keeping with the way the game is evolving globally. I've still not managed to get back down to The Stour due, in part, to Bev and I both suffering from a nasty cough. Neither of us have tested positive for Covid, yet I wouldn't be at all surprised if that is what is the cause, given the current infection statistics. We're certainly not suffering any symptoms which would cause us to be hospitalised, so have to assume the vaccine program has given us a level of immunity which prevented that worse case scenario from playing out? In the spirit of common sense, however, we're isolating at home until we get over this niggling ailment. Over reaction? Better to be safe, than sorry, would be my response. All it has meant, in reality, is that we've not been able to get the grand-kids from school, on Wednesday, and haven't been out shopping or socialising (or fishing!).

Fortunately, the freezers are always well stocked with supplies, although mine does have two compartments solely for the purpose of bait storage. We certainly won't be going hungry and, in the worse case scenario, can always call upon Debbie (Bev's daughter) or Benno to give us some assistance if our immediate neighbours are unwilling to help. So much to be positive about even under these circumstances. The garden, therefore, has to provide my link to the natural world and, today, there was a huge increase in the number of Common Swifts (birds, not moths) around the Newlands Farm area. Gauging accurate numbers would be unrealistic as they were feeding low over the surrounding corn fields and, also high above the surrounding housing estate, regularly moving between the two. Obviously not migrants, it would be my guess that they made up the bulk of the local St. Luke's & St. Lawrence area breeding population. Possibly sixty birds involved but, whatever number, certainly the most I've seen in 2022!

What's left? Moths of course!!!!! At present I am having a superb time looking at a bunch of insects (micro moths) which have, until recently, been completely off my radar. That I'm also re-acquainting myself with another group of inverts (macro moths) has provided some crazy "wow" moments. What needs to be highlighted, at this point, is the huge influence geographical location has upon my moth trapping.  Obviously I do attempt to improve the situation with the choice of garden plants that we provide as added attraction but, bottom line, Thanet is superbly placed to attract/intercept the waifs and strays from continental Europe, dependant upon weather opposed to environmental factors. Having the ability to peruse the internet provides massive insight into the "bigger picture". It might be Dungeness BO, Folkestone Birds, Paul Trodd, Gavin Haig, Stewart Sexton or Mark Skevington , amongst  many others, whose mothing exploits are so wonderfully shared via the medium of "blogland". Sharing their experiences just serves to enthuse me to push my own boundaries and long may it continue. What it isn't is a competition, all I want from the exchange is to enjoy the journey as it unfolds. I'm still attempting to improve upon my pitiful camera techniques and seem to have stumbled (?) upon a combination of 14 mm extension tube, Sigma 55 - 200 mm lens and the Canon EOS 400D body which might just be the way forward?

Beautiful Plume - Amblyptilia acanthadactyla

Tree-lichen Beauty - Cryphia algae
Four last night

Saltmarsh Plume - Agdistis bennetii

Rush Veneer - Nomophila noctuella
One of seventeen last night!

Moths are absolutely fascinating insects and I'm very grateful to those who've been instrumental in my involvement with the experience. Where will it lead? Absolutely no idea, although the ability to be involved without the requirement for excessive mobility certainly sits well with an old bloke, and an arthritic skeleton, as the clock ticks steadily into oblivion!

Kent Knot-horn - Moitrelia obductella

All I do know is that while garden mothing continues to provide an enjoyable challenge I'll happily explore the potential on offer.



  1. Love that Saltmarsh Plume Dyl, we dont get them up here, what a creature!

    1. Hi Stewart, Certainly a striking pose for such a plain moth. They're not annual in the garden, although it's my second this year. The nearest breeding population is down at Pegwell Bay/Stour Estuary which is little over a mile away in a straight line. What with the local birding and fishing being so poor it's just as well I've started garden mothing again otherwise I'd have nothing to blog about!
      Cheers for the comment, take care - Dyl
