Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Sunday, 31 December 2017

Scores on the doors

The final day of 2017; time to reflect on the past twelve months and the direction my life has taken. Success and failure, alike, they contributed to get me to where I am today. So who's to decide good or bad? Well, obviously, it can only be me because I set the targets, and expectations, of what I seek.
My angling never really got close to where I wanted to go with either my perch, and more importantly, that carp I so desire. Outside influences did, once again, impact on my ability to spend as much time, during the peak period, in pursuit of my prize as I planned. Nothing I could do about it, but I am hopeful that we've turned the corner and 2018 will allow me to focus efforts towards delivering on that promise to my father?

Not too much to ask? - Two sixty year old, split cane rods, and now a thirty pound carp - please!
Birding was a non-starter, in all honesty, my year total just passing the 200 mark and included species seen on Tenerife and Kefalonia! I didn't see my first Stonechat until November and only saw one Wheatear over the entire year! It took a major effort, started on 26th November, for me to discover a way to make birds play a role in my outdoor time again. Since actively making that effort to record the species I encounter whilst out with the rods, I've racked up a list of 68 species in just over five weeks and refound that missing spark!

Canary Island Chiffchaff

Berthelot's Pipit - I needed both of these species to assist my year list pass 200
Other natural history has been on the periphery of my radar, especially the butterflies and dragon/damselflies which have crossed my path. The use of macro photography has enhanced these experiences, although I remain blissfully ignorant of the identification of many of those I've seen abroad. It's important that I enjoy, not name, those creatures I am fortunate to encounter. And on that note, I am old enough to make my own decisions about what I can, and can't, include on any list that I choose to maintain or compile. So to all those waiting on the stroke of midnight to armchair tick some species, whilst erasing others - pinch yourselves, wake up and get a life! Only competitive sport needs rules, natural history is a journey to be explored and enjoyed, not an Excel spreadsheet, box ticking, exercise!

It just remains for me to thank everyone who has helped make the blog such a lively and enjoyable project for me. To all visitors and contributors, alike, I thank you for your support and wish you a peaceful and safe 2018 - all the best - Dylan