Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Dronefly in the garden

Dronefly - Eristalis tenax
A very brief session in our back garden, after I'd finished my shift, produced a sighting of a Dronefly (Eristalis tenax) which was sunbathing on a wall-mounted, glazed, flower pot. My second species of hover fly for 2013; my extension tubes being pressed into service. Nothing particularly notable about the sighting, although it will be the earliest I've ever recorded one. It just provided a distraction from the funeral (14.00hrs tomorrow, St. Nicholas Church at Ash) and my associated anxiety.
I spent the rest of the afternoon with my grand-daughter, Emily, just the best leveller anyone could ask for when they are under stress - she is simply the most loving child and a delight to be in the company of. We walked our usual route from Debbie's place (home) down to the harbour and back, via the Co-op, where I was allowed to purchase some Milky Way Stars and some Stella - medicinal purposes only; I need to sleep!
Thursday will arrive - by which time a line will have been drawn and closure secured. I would like to thank the many individuals who have taken the time to offer support during this difficult personal period. I am truly grateful - stunned might be be a better description? Once we are born, there can only be one common denominator that every human will have to accept - we are going to die! What happens between these two dates is unknown, but allows for the variety of experience that humans have recorded since we, as a species, were able to write! Mum was a devout Christian, and leaves behind a legacy of massive influence on those that she met. As a school teacher, she came into contact with many thousands of pupils/parents, her role within the Church of England allowing her influence to be further recognised. Tomorrow, we celebrate her life and lament her passing - the final chapter, at Barham Crematorium will be the closure that my family require; I don't expect it to be easy but I am confident that the celebration, afterwards, will see more laughter than tears as we remember our times with a remarkable woman - Thelma Evelyn Wrathall.

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