Who am I?

An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Wednesday 15 November 2023

Computer "hissy fit" and a spanner in the works

November blogging has been a real struggle as the weather conspires against all of my angling plans, thus I've had nothing to write about. Then, just to properly piss on my picnic, the laptop decides that it doesn't want to play games, so tells me that it requires up-dating. If you have the first idea about such technological nonsense, it will appear pathetic that this simple process has caused me major issues. Two days later, it appears that all the boxes have been ticked and I am, once again, back in the loop?

Don't be too hasty you long-haired twat!!! Around 18.00 hrs, yesterday, Bev decided that it would be a good idea to take a tumble and fracture her left wrist. Four and a half hours in QEQM Hospital A&E, followed by a visit to the fracture clinic, ensured that this morning's Pike fishing plans were a total non starter and will remain as such until Bev feels able to cope without my assistance. Too be fair, she's an independent character and will tell me to f^^k  off fishing sooner, rather than later, but it is still a situation which will require some fine tuning before I'm happy to leave her at home for any length of time.

Just to finish this little up-date. The first Canterbury/Thanet PAC Regional Meeting took place at The King Ethelbert PH, Reculver, on Monday evening, and was a fantastic success. Our R/O, Nick Prior, certainly knows what the guys are about and does his best to ensure we all feel part of the local Pike fishing community. 


  1. An unfortunate moment Dyl. Let me wish Bev a speedy recovery. In one way, you both got off lightly. I know a guy whose wife did both wrists while snow boarding. Hair-line fractures maybe. But two arms in plaster? 🙄

    1. Hi Ric, Bev says thank-you for your kind thoughts. Just another twist in the journey life dishes out I guess?
      All the best - Dyl (& Bev)

  2. Hope her wrist heals soon, I was no driving for 6 weeks to keep the car insurers happy.

    1. BB, we go back to QEQM Hospital on Monday 4th December for an assessment of the healing process. At our age I'm overly confident of a quick conclusion to the saga? Whatever the outcome, I'm sure the blog will keep, anyone interested, updated with the situation. As a lady in one of the garden centres said, the other day, "Good time to incur the injury - no wrapping Christmas presents etc, etc.." Not sure Bev fully agreed, but she certainly takes the piss when it comes to making a cup of tea and some toast for breakfast!!!
      Hoping all is well at your end? - Dylan
