Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Calmer, Karma, Chameleon?

Now I'm really scraping the barrel here? Getting in from work, this afternoon, I fired up the laptop and did my usual peruse of the blogland offerings only to discover that there was a new Letter from Sheppey!  Derek had something to moan about, after all! Bloody great. We've never met, but are cyber mates and for that I'm very grateful. Over the years he has offered very reasoned comment upon my, more outrageous, posts and, as such, is a reassuring and calming influence as age advances - he's seven years in front of me!!! (Calmer) My post, of yesterday, elicited a wonderful comment from Lucy, who, again, I have never met but feel I know her through her own blogging, especially that period which focussed around The Boxmoor Trust land in Hemel Hempstead. Despite her own battles with mental health, she found time to make an observation about the generosity of my neighbour and the merit of religious belief, if it works for you? A fantastic recognition of the positive side of humanity and "it's nice to be nice" - "reap what you sow" vibe. (Karma)
So now to the really tricky bit! Bev and I are on holiday (2008) in Icmeler, Turkey, enjoying the magnificent hospitality, weather and experience that the resort has to offer. What a place? What a touch that we have great friends, Robert and Jackie Chaffe, living out there and, as such, guaranteed good company. I had been very fortunate to have discovered many avian "lifers" during my exploration of this magnificent place but there is one memory which, although my only encounter, doesn't quite live up to the feel good theme. Turkish cemeteries are stunning places. Neat and clean, set in the wondrous backdrop of mountains and pine forests. It was no morbid longing that had me fascinated by these sites, but more the fact that they provided habitat for some very special creatures which would be more tolerant of human activity than those I encountered on the wild hillsides. It was an early morning walk, en route to such a venue, that was to see me come to the rescue (?) of a chameleon which was walking, in that stuttering, rocking fore and aft, sort of way, across the main road into Icmeler. Because it was early, there were very few vehicles on the road and I was able to get to the creature very quickly after spotting it. I hadn't realised that they grew so big - this individual was possibly 18 inches long?  Being a caring type of person, I did what I thought was the right thing and picked it up so as to move it, away from any danger, to the side of the road - the little shit bit me! Not a nip, this was the real deal and had the desired effect because I immediately let go and dropped it into the roadside ditch. Grabbing the camera kit, I rattled off a series of images as this wonderful creature continued on it's way, completely indifferent to my efforts or presence.

A reptile with proper attitude problems - sorry I care !


  1. A bloody good bit of barrel scraping there Dyl. Sitting here reading it while I listen to Folk on Two on the radio, I definitely felt the first two title subjects. The last, well Dylan and the Chameleon sounds like the title of a book, about how you met your match in the attitude stakes.

    1. Thanks mate - Dylan and the Chameleon? I'll hang fire on that one. I'm not sure what you could possibly mean about attitude and meeting my match? I'd certainly like it to be more than a lizard!!! Still raining on Sheppey? - Dyl

  2. No, been dry and bright all day and looks set for dry and bloody cold for several days now. You might have to break the ice to get at those fish.

    1. If it gets that cold, I'll go birding instead! Still very wet around this part of Kent and all the way down to Romney Marsh. Fishing on Sunday, ice permitting - Dyl
