Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Thursday, 30 November 2017

Artful, not arty - sorry Steve!

"There's no point growing old if you don't get artful" A sentiment I first heard whilst working in the, Distribution - Southern Region, warehouse of Kodak Ltd, Swallowdale Lane, Hemel Hempstead, way back in the mid/late 1970's. At that time, being a shallow twat, I hurled youthful abuse at these sage, old'ns - because I knew so much better than them? NOT!!!
Fortunately, age does something to a brain to help it engage in sensible thought processes and understand that life experiences hold sway over exuberant arrogance and downright stupidity (which I had in abundance during those Kodak years!) Yes, I am now very cute at playing the age card, when heavy graft is involved, although I still do my share. Why should I need to be? Well; getting old also highlights the effects of wear and tear on that physical structure we refer to as our body. Arthritis in my hands, shoulders and knees is starting to impose limitations on the dexterity I have always taken for granted. In no way am I crippled by this condition, but aches and pain are now part of my daily existence. I have medicines to assist control of these discomforts, but I also have a brain which says that there are situations which, if avoided, will be better for my well-being! In my younger days I'd "run it off"?
All this week I've been planning to get down to the canal for a Friday, after work, session. I have the time and ability to make it happen, however, the weather forecast is so foreboding - heavy rain, strong winds and freezing temps - that only a fool would venture forth in pursuit of a fish under these conditions? I will await a  less problematic forecast, before casting a line again. Yes, that pike project still matters, there is so much more I want to learn, but putting my body through such an ordeal, because I can, no longer holds any attraction.
I recognize that whilst spending a week on the banks of Loch Awe, I have endured far worse weather, for longer periods, than a few hours on the canal. I am fully kitted out to cope with such extremes when I go to Scotland - a four hour session on the Kent marshes doesn't warrant that amount of effort or equipment. Horses for courses and I'd like to think that I'm getting artful, because I'm certainly getting old!


  1. Nothing wrong with taking care of ourselves Dyl - we might just eek out a few more years from our ageing bodies and brains!!

    1. Steve, it was obviously your latest post that was central to my offering. I can't draw, never could, so big up for the digital revolution (plus it pays my wages!) I wish you well with pen, paper and ink on your 2018 quest for floral adventure. I would think that my attitude towards aging is in direct correlation to my pension provision, it only matters because it's now important! Without my Unilever pension and a hefty inheritance, my entire working life might have been in vain? Getting old - it's a weird one? - Dyl

  2. Only 47, but I sure do feel vulnerable to the elements more than ever mate!

    I certainly know when I'm beat these days, and with a stiff north westerly driving wintery showers into my face, and with a gruelling trek ahead of me, I turned tail at 14:30 today in the name of self-preservation. I’m sure you'll agree the most important part of winter fishing is preparation and taking care of ones self. There's nothing macho about getting hypothermia! - After all, it's only a bloody wet fish!.... (they'll keep)

    Shit can and does happen!... Even the great John Sidley paid the ultimate price after pushing himself too hard on a bitterly cold, windy day!... R.I.P John


    1. Common sense? Just ain't quite as common as it should be! If I don't catch another fish, I'd still have caught more than my fair share, another one won't make the slightest difference (unless it's a 30lbs carp on a split cane Mk IV) - all the best - Dyl

  3. I know how you feel Dyl., it was a rare miss this morning as far as the reserve goes, far too bloody cold in the wind. My days of being a cold weather hero are well behind me. Like you my arthritis is spreading fast, I have Naproxen tablets but try and get by without them on a continuous basis

    1. Snap, I too have these tablets, plus I still resort to Voltorol gel, when involved in more dexterous tasks. Again, I refrain from using them because they are there, preferring to be sensible and avoid situations which are likely to cause problems. At the moment it is niggling, rather than debilitating, and I'll happily cope with that, wind, rain or shine! Take care mate - Dyl

  4. Crikey! Self preservation appears to have been just about the only thing that has ever grabbed my attention Dyl.
    That's had a direct effect on everything I did or still do.
    From work to activities, if it involved physical risk or impinged upon my state of health, I just ceased. I've packed in at least three jobs on that basis. Sod the money - which was rubbish anyway - I'm damned if I was going to wreck myself to make a living.
    Fortunately, I now have the choice. Wasn't always so.

    1. Ric,
      Same song sheet mate! My arthritis can be traced back to a mountain bike accident, in the mid-90's. As I have commented, it is not disabling me, but aches and pain are part of my daily routine and can be controlled by medicines if causing too much discomfort. If I avoid those tasks which create the discomfort I am able to get by without the drugs, so a win, win! I must be a very lucky guy - I really enjoy my work and get well paid for doing it.
      I still pursue my projects with as much enthusiasm as I can muster, but dying for the cause isn't now a consideration - being a cold weather hero is something I will forgo in order to enjoy another day.
