I flushed my first autumn juvenile Wheatear from the footpath to work on August 9th - very much a false dawn; I've not seen another since! A few Common Buzzards have drifted over, but wouldn't make double figures. thus far. Willow Warblers probably passed through, but we were at Dad's during the peak movements, as noted by many of the coastal hot-spots. Swallows occasionally pass through, in dribs and drabs, with odd House Martins in tow. A very tardy Swift was noted on the 11th and is probably the most notable sighting of the month?
The final field of wheat has started to be harvested, this afternoon, finished by mid-day tomorrow, no doubt. If the stubble is allowed to remain, then I hold high hopes for a few decked Skylarks, otherwise it will be a matter of scratching about the field margins for whatever the conditions bestow upon my meagre patch. Still early doors, so I am not too despondent, although a Whinchat would do wonders to lift my spirits to and fro between home and work. Grabbed the opportunity to photograph a juvenile Swallow taking a breather on the wires above Vine Close, this morning - a very brief stay before it was, once again, headed south.
Still an awful long way to go! |
I've not run the moth trap since our return home, but can't help noticing an increase in Silver Y's, locally, over the past couple of days. Is there something going on? Back out with the rods tomorrow evening, so watch this space! I feel sure that my next split cane twenty is not too far away - that thirty, I so desire, is a completely different prospect.
Very quiet here on Sheppey as well Dyl. although I have had one Whinchat. The only real large numbers of anything are the Greylag Geese, several hundred feeding in the stubbles, they will get no doubt get a hammering on the 1st September next week.
ReplyDeleteShooting young birds on the first day of the season hardly counts as wildfowling? Those hardy souls, braving the elements on a bitter December dawn are far more respectable and a better advert for the "sport". That said, knocking down a few feral Greylags won't be any great loss to the Sheppey ecosystem, at a guess? Almost passes as pest control when the numbers get that high. - Dyl
DeleteNot sure about the identity of most moths, but did enjoy watching a Red-Underwing today.
ReplyDeleteRed Underwings are superb insects and always worthy of a second glance. I've been looking at moths since 1994, home and abroad, but seldom get excited by them in 2016. I'm sure my opinions will change as my grand-children become interested and thus provide me with the incentive to run the trap on a regular basis once more. Just got back home after my fifth blank, on the spin, but discovered a small group of decent carp in a tiny stream as I made my way back to the car - a plan is being drawn up for a quick return. Take care - Dyl