Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday, 15 March 2014

New light through old windows

My sincere apologies to any Chris Rea fans who (having "Googled") end up at this blog - but I can think of no better description of what my dabbling, with macro photography, has delivered. I am now finding myself discovering another aspect to the natural world that scopes and binoculars are unable to deliver. My efforts, today, are a result of nothing special - just a wander around Newland's Farm; looking for the first Spring wheatears and time spent in the back garden awaiting a raptor, or two - time wasted, on both counts, but not without benefit as I was able to play around with the camera gear. Invertebrates provided the salvation, that the day required, and I have to admit to be rather pleased with some of the images that I was able to record.

I play the dullard, with some aplomb! The desire to name everything that crosses my path isn't why I bother looking, I very simply enjoy the experience of being in company of our fellow creatures. The ability to, actually, put a name (thus id) to the subjects of my interest, however, is always able to add something else to the occasion. And so it was today. With the sun shining but, accompanied by a stiff WSW breeze, I was still up against it - the depth of field, when using macro techniques, ensures that any movement is detrimental to decent images - however fast the shutter speed!

I've had a blast! There have been all sorts of creatures discovered in the local area, none of which are particularly rare, yet I very much doubt if many individuals have taken time to actually look at them?

Stigmella aurella - Bramble Leaf-miner
Discovered beside the "Old Rose Garden"
If I've mis-id'd anything please feel free to correct me. Steve Gale has made a very valid observation about the power of the Internet and once a dodgy id has been published (as fact) then this perpetuates further incorrect records being claimed as a consequence.

The critical role that getting the subject in focus (what really?) due to the very shallow depth of field is paramount. I now have an understanding of why this discipline, for the best results, requires subjects that are photographed under optimum conditions - ie bright sun and zero wind (fast shutter speeds and no movement).

Green Shield Bug - a very numerous insect around the patch today
The detail provided by this technique is far superior to anything I've previously managed.

It will not be an end, in itself, but the knowledge that I have this ability/technology at my disposal is a very nice place to be. If I fail to catch a fish, or see a bird, surely I must be able to find a "mini-beast" to provide material for a blog entry?

Mirid Bug - Liocoris tripustulatus in the garden, this afternoon.

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