Who am I?

An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Wednesday 21 December 2016

£200 - nice touch

Fujifilm Specialty Ink Systems, that's the full title of my employer, run a very nice reward and recognition scheme based around our continuous improvement ethic. As part of this suggestions system plays a role in the calculation of the yearly bonus figure, all the guys on the shop floor are "engaged" in a positive manner. I made a suggestion, during November, which has resulted in me getting an award of £200 for idea of the month - bacon rolls all round for the digital guys in the New Year. I realize that this type of scheme really irritates certain members of the workforce, but they are fast becoming an alienated minority and Fujifilm will continue to prosper as the business of digital ink develops into new markets.

My supervisor, and good mate, Eric,The Chin, Hitch presenting me with an envelope worth  £200.
It's money for old rope - play the game and it's an easy life!
Ponytail is for Health & Safety reasons - wouldn't want my thatch dropping in a  batch of ink or getting caught
in any machinery - I can live with that.
I enjoy my job, so it isn't difficult for me to get involved in projects, or offer an idea or suggestion, which might assist the business moving forward, improving efficiency or simply making a task less complicated, by asking two very simple questions - why/why not? That £200 isn't the end of it. If I get idea of the quarter, then another £500 is up for grabs and if that's the case - I go forward to idea of the year, which is awarded a further £1,000 - bacon rolls for the whole factory if that comes to fruition!


  1. Well done Dyl. those kind of schemes all make the year go round a bit more positively and can be fun when you win it. At the end of my first year as a warehouse supervisor in the docks I received a bonus of a £1000 as a most improved employee, which was gratefully received.

  2. Brilliant Dyl. Such are the rewards of positive thoughts and actions.
    My feeling is that altruism; played out over many years, has it's benefits. The bacon rolls 'all round'. 'You win - everyone wins'.

    As for the thatch. The picture you see of me is twenty years ago when my hair was halfway to the longest it ever got. I wanted to see how long it would get.
    I chopped it off once it reached it's limit. It was getting in the way. Quite depressed for a few days.
